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Employer retaliation was number one complaint in 2013

On Behalf of | Feb 13, 2014 | Employer Retaliation |

Given the progress made in labor laws over the years, it is difficult to imagine that employer retaliation still exists in this day and age. It, however, does exist, and new reports point to it being a growing and significant issue. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission for the U.S. has recently reported that employer retaliation was the top complaint they received in the 2013 fiscal year. Employees have identified discussing discrimination while on the job as well as filing a lawsuit against their employer as primary reasons for employer retaliation.

Employer retaliation is not ideal for anyone in the workforce, and nobody wants to deal with a hostile work environment. The fact that employer retaliation was the top complaint of those in the workforce last year is quite alarming and should be taken seriously.

The number of complaints varies state-by-state, and Indiana is not immune to these problems. Indiana has laws in place to protect employees from employer retaliation, and these legal options must be exercised to maintain a harmonious workplace.

If you are in Indiana and are experiencing employer retaliation, then reporting it to the EEOC may help this issue become more known to our state and the nation. You must fight for your right to be employed in a peaceful work environment, and not have your job and income be at risk. Your voice may help reduce employer retaliation in our state and throughout the nation. Over time, the trends of employer retaliation must diminish with employees keeping companies in check through legal action.

Source: Sacramento Business Journal, “Employer retaliation tops complaints to EEOC,” Kathy Robertson, Feb. 7, 2014


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