Discrimination does not need to be conspicuous or overt to be against the law. Subtle yet systematic forms of discrimination can exist, too. Racial profiling and testing bias target and disqualify people through an unfair system or process. The Justice Department sued...
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Workplace Discrimination
How you can prove your workplace is hostile and discriminatory
A toxic workplace can have severe effects on an employee’s well-being and job performance. However, you have legal rights that empower you to take action against an unprofessional environment. Proving that a workplace is hostile and discriminatory requires a clear...
How does implicit bias influence maternity leave decisions?
Implicit bias can influence maternity leave decisions in Indiana workplaces. It affects how employers and colleagues perceive and respond to maternity leave requests. Understanding these biases can help create fair and supportive environments for expecting mothers....
Did you know some interview questions are illegal?
When undergoing a job interview, it is not impossible for an employer to try finding out personal information through their questioning. However, due to federal anti-discrimination laws, there are certain questions that employers legally cannot ask. Business News...
Can a bad performance review be an example of discrimination?
Receiving a good performance review can be a life-changing event that may lead to better opportunities, better pay and a better future for you and your family. That is why it can be so dismaying when you receive a bad performance review from your employer when you are...
Should you be able to sit at work during your pregnancy?
Few life events are more thrilling than having a baby. While you and your spouse are undoubtedly looking forward to meeting the newest member of your family, your boss might see your pregnancy as more of an inconvenience. Pursuant to the Pregnancy Discrimination Act,...
Ways to identify disability discrimination
Disability discrimination refers to the unfair treatment of someone due to certain physical or mental health conditions. The Americans with Disabilities Act protects conditions such as deafness, cancer, autism, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder and HIV,...
What is the difference between overt and covert discrimination?
Workplace discrimination is a huge problem, where certain employees experience unfair consequences based on their age, race, gender ethnicity, nationality or disability, which distinguishes them from the larger group. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission...
Does your company have a broken corporate ladder?
As a woman in the workplace, you probably have heard about the glass ceiling for years. This term serves as shorthand for the very real phenomenon of women, especially women of color, experiencing the inability to reach the top rungs of the corporate ladder,...
What are the rules against verbal abuse?
There are many forms of racial discrimination that can occur at your workplace. If your employer uses your actual or perceived race, color or ethnicity against you when making decisions about job duties, promotions, hiring or firing, that is an illegal form of racial...