Workplace harassment can create a toxic environment that affects the well-being and productivity of all employees. Proper documentation of harassment is essential for building a strong case when filing a complaint. Following established documentation procedures can...
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Handling unwanted touching in the workplace
Unwanted touching can occur in the workplace, making an uncomfortable situation for those affected. Dealing with unwanted touching at work requires clarity and assertiveness to maintain a safe and respectful environment. Setting boundaries and communication Clearly...
Dangerous micro-messages in the workplace
It is not uncommon for workers to face overt hostility in the workplace. While certain forms of discrimination, harassment and retaliation might be more obvious, other types of negative messaging might be more difficult to recognize. In recent years, more and more...
Do you work in a hostile environment?
Federal law categorizes a hostile work environment as a form of illegal harassment. Specifically, prohibited actions include intimidation, abuse or hostility about a legally protected class. Review the factors that determine the existence of a hostile work...
3 Forms of subtle workplace harassment
Harassment describes offensive or emotionally distressing behavior that an employer might exhibit or direct towards you. Harassment can happen to anyone, but it isn’t always obvious. While some forms of harassment involve blatant comments, gestures or inappropriate...
What constitutes religious harassment?
Harassment in the workplace is something you have the right to be protected against. You should never be made to feel uncomfortable because of your religious affiliation when at work in Indiana. According to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity...
Understanding what behaviors constitute workplace harassment
While you may excel at performing assigned job tasks, working with people you do not get along with can make things challenging. Understanding the types of behavior that qualify as workplace harassment can help you protect your personal safety and the reputation of...
Men can be victims of sexual harassment
Sexual harassment is generally believed to occur when men request sexual favors, give unwanted advances, make unwelcome verbal comments or perform other acts of physical misconduct against female co-workers or employees. Yet what many people don’t realize is that men...
Jewelry company subject of serious sexual harassment allegations
As a woman in the workplace, you know that you have to perform at a high level at your job every day. Despite so many advances in our society, women can still be subjected to unfair treatment while on the job. But there is a line that should not be crossed; women...
How can I stop the bully at my workplace?
Almost every job has its stresses and challenges. But if you share your workspace with others who treat you fairly and are supportive of your efforts, it is much easier to get through the day. In fact, you may even enjoy going to work if you are in a positive...