The Americans with Disabilities Act is a civil rights law prohibiting discrimination against individuals with physical and mental impairments. It protects citizens in all aspects of public life, including employment. If you have a disability, understanding your rights...
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Disability Discrimination
Signs of disability discrimination in the workplace
There are times when individuals with disabilities experience unfair treatment in the workplace. Therefore, these individuals should understand common signs of disability discrimination. Unequal treatment After the ADA became law, those with disabilities exited the...
Recognizing when you are a victim of disability discrimination
If you have a disability covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act, you have rights to reasonable accommodations and fair treatment in your workplace. However, sometimes you may feel unsure if actions taken by your employer are discriminatory. Understanding your...
Employment protections for a key American workplace demographic
Employment access and equitable on-the-job opportunity is a treasured American principle. And yet it is not one that has always been on ready display in workplaces spanning Indiana and the rest of the country. Put another way: Although America’s varied work venues...
Is alcoholism a disability?
Addiction is a challenge many people face throughout their lives. Almost everyone knows a friend or family who has fallen prey to alcohol or drug abuse. For decades, the American Medical Association has defined alcoholism as a primary, progressive, chronic disease...
What does reasonable accommodation mean?
Federal and state law entitles disabled employees to protection from employment discrimination. Discrimination can come in various forms, including refusal to hire or promote, harassment and unequal pay. Disabled workers may also face discrimination in the form of...
Woman with MS files workplace disability discrimination suit
Federal laws protect workers from suffering discrimination based on disabilities in Indiana, as well as all other parts of the United States. One woman in a nearby state recently claimed that while working for the state's Department of Health & Human Services, she...
Man files workplace disability discrimination suit against hotel
An employer cannot legally mistreat an employee in Indiana simply because he or she has a disability. One man in another state said he recently experienced this and ended up being fired by his company. He has thus filed a workplace disability discrimination and...
Workplace disability discrimination suit settled for $160,000
Being fired by an Indiana employer due to a disability can have a negative impact on a person's reputation, finances and career prospects in Indiana. One man in an out-of-state case said he experienced this at his company, causing him to file a workplace disability...
Woman files workplace disability discrimination against employer
Suffering a disability can be both physically and emotionally trying, but being terminated because of one's disability only makes matters worse. One nursing supervisor in a state outside of Indiana recently filed a lawsuit against her employer, alleging workplace...