When you work more than 40 hours in a workweek, you receive overtime pay. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires overtime to be at least one and a half times your "regular rate" of pay. Understanding how employers should determine this rate helps you ensure your...
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Wage And Hour Laws
How does misclassification affect overtime pay?
Classifying workers correctly ensures they receive fair pay. Understanding the rules about who qualifies as exempt or non-exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) protects employees' rights to overtime pay. What is the difference between exempt and...
Legal recourse for unpaid overtime
When you work more than your scheduled hours, you deserve to receive fair payment for your time. However, not all employers comply with overtime laws. Understanding your legal recourse for unpaid overtime is crucial. Understanding overtime laws The Fair Labor...
Is your employer stealing your wages?
Wage theft, while a covert practice, exists in workplaces across the nation. It represents a significant concern for hard-working individuals who rightfully expect full compensation for their labor. Employers may employ a range of tactics to withhold wages, either by...
Am I eligible for overtime pay?
Your work is valuable, which is why you don’t do it for free. If you are eligible under federal or state law, your employer must pay you overtime for every hour you work in excess of 40 hours per week. You must not receive less than 1.5 times your regular rate pay for...
Which workers do not get overtime pay?
If your employer requires you to work additional hours in a day or week, there is a chance you qualify for overtime pay. The law dictates what constitutes overtime and requires special overtime pay. However, not every situation where you work more hours will qualify...
3 ways employers avoid paying overtime
Overtime can be lucrative for employees who are willing to put in the extra hours, but some employees are surprised when they find they are not compensated for their additional work. There are some circumstances in which overtime laws are not applicable, but in most...
Entitled to overtime pay but not receiving it
Not all Indiana workers receive overtime pay when they are entitled to it. Their employers may either not understand the law or have chosen not to follow it.Under the Fair Labor Standards Act, most American workers are entitled to overtime pay of time-and-one-half...
Workers paid less than owed may file claim against employer
People in Indiana naturally work hard for their hourly wages or salaries. In fact, many individuals end up working over 40 hours a week just so that they can create better lives for their families and for themselves. Unfortunately, in some cases, they end up not being...
Latina woman claims race discrimination by employer
It is unlawful for employers in Indiana and other states to discriminate against their workers on the basis of protected classes, such as gender and race. In one recent case in another state, a woman claimed that the city for which she worked had specifically engaged...