Most jobs place a level of pressure on employees to perform. However, doing your daily duties can become even more stressful if you discover that a colleague, supervisor or even your employer is running afoul of the law. If you are confronted with such a situation,...
Experienced Indiana Lawyers Who Care About Your Rights
Whistleblower Protection
You don’t have to be afraid to speak up
No matter where a person decides to work, there is a chance that they will witness their employer doing something they should not be doing. Ideally, employers should not violate the law and put their employees in a difficult spot, but it happens from time to time and...
What employees can expect if they report their employers
People have to choose between doing the right thing and the wrong thing almost on a daily basis. While some people may choose to do the wrong thing, there are many who recognize that doing the right thing can benefit not only them but also the people around them....
What type of protection is offered for whistleblowers?
There are many people who wake up each morning and look forward to going to work. It is ideal for people to love their jobs and enjoy performing the duties that are asked of them, but not everyone is this lucky. In fact, there are people who may have found themselves...
Report your employer’s involvement in illegal activities
The one thing people need to do in order to make a living and provide for themselves and their family is work. There are different types of companies and businesses that exist today and the millions of people that live in the United States have multiple options as to...
Common violations employers commit in the workplace
Not every employer is as honest and trustworthy as they may seem. There have been many who lead employees to believe that they follow the law and have never attempted to violate it, but did so any chance they got. Exposing these types of employers or keeping quiet may...
Report your employer if you are terminated illegally
Employers are always expected to adhere to the law and follow the rules. When they fail to follow the law, employees have the right to report their employers for this misconduct and not face any consequences for doing so. Even though employees are doing the right...
Report your employer for violating the law
Not every employer is as honest and trustworthy as everyone would hope they would be. All around the world, there are employers who choose to engage in illegal activity. Not only do they engage in illegal activity, but they may also try to recruit employees to join...
Whistleblower wins $1.25 million
Over the years, there have been many employees who have found themselves being terminated by their employer or retaliated against in some way for doing what they felt was the right thing. In some cases, the right thing was reporting their employer for committing...
When is an employee considered a whistleblower?
Everyone wants to believe that their employer is honest and would never break the law, but the truth is there are companies out there that don't always follow the rules. Sometimes, when committing these illegal acts, employers even try to recruit their employees to...