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Ways to identify disability discrimination

On Behalf of | Sep 12, 2022 | Workplace Discrimination |

Disability discrimination refers to the unfair treatment of someone due to certain physical or mental health conditions. The Americans with Disabilities Act protects conditions such as deafness, cancer, autism, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder and HIV, among many others. However, as with all forms of discrimination in the workplace, disability discrimination can be difficult to identify.

Here are some ways to identify disability discrimination in Indiana workplaces.

Failure to provide reasonable accommodations

Providing reasonable accommodations to someone with a disability is a very common use of the Americans with Disabilities Act. If a company fails to do this, it may be a sign of discrimination. Examples of reasonable accommodation include:

  • Providing additional training opportunities
  • Adjusting the software or equipment an employee uses
  • Ensuring that the workspace is easily accessible, including in the event of an emergency
  • Reassigning the employee to a new position if one is available

While there are exceptions to what the law considers to be reasonable, there are many ways that employers can ensure that their employees who have disabilities get a fair and equal shot to succeed.


Retaliation is often a more obvious form of discrimination than failing to provide reasonable adjustments. An example of retaliation is firing or reducing the number of hours worked for an employee after they disclose their disability, particularly when there is no other reason for the action.

When employees are aware of the different forms of disability discrimination, they can be an advocate for themselves and take appropriate action if they believe their employer is being unjust.


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