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Indiana cancels proposal allowing religious discrimination

On Behalf of | Mar 6, 2014 | Workplace Discrimination |

Most people hope to be judged on their personal merits, not by a preconceived notion based on their age, sex, gender or other characteristics irrelevant to their position. For a hard-working individual, workplace discrimination is an upsetting possibility. The idea that no matter how well you may do your job, you might be treated differently because of matters that are beyond your control is something that no one should have to tolerate. Nevertheless, a recent proposal in Indiana threatened to allow religious discrimination within the workplace.

This proposal, which sparked massive controversy when it was made public, aimed to allow nonprofits that operate with a faith-affiliation to use faith as a selective discriminant. This was intended to align with existing federal guidelines. However, the idea led to widespread debate over religion within the work environment.

One professor stated that passing such a proposal would allow for groups to engage in religious discrimination, even when the circumstances had no bearing on their religious mission. Although the provision was initially voted in favor of, the decision was reversed the next day in the face of the controversy.

Indiana’s decision to uphold its stance against religious discrimination is a positive move for workers within the state. Discrimination of any kind is unpleasant and unnecessary. It can dramatically undermine a person’s confidence. Furthermore, if it leads to difficulties in getting or keeping a job, it can have a direct impact on their future and well-being. If you are faced with discrimination in the workplace, you have the right to defend yourself. By making yourself aware of the state’s employment legislation, you will be able to make the best possible decisions in your pursuit of a fair resolution to the situation.

Source: Philanthropy Today, “Indiana Lawmakers Drop Faith Exemption on Job Discrimination,” Feb. 26, 2014


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