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American Apparel managers forbidden from sexual advances

On Behalf of | Jan 15, 2015 | Sexual Harassment |

Indiana residents may be interested to learn of American Apparel’s recent unveiling of a new company ethical code directed toward the issue of workplace sexual harassment. Following a long battle with the company’s founder as well as numerous sexual harassment lawsuits filed against him and the company, the company reacted by firing him and changing its policies.

Managers are now forbidden from making any sexual advances to an employee, whether they directly or indirectly supervise them. It does not matter whether the advances are welcomed or not.

The changes as well as the firing are in reaction to the founder’s numerous lawsuits that have been filed against him ever since he founded American Apparel 25 years ago. The new ethical policy is four times as long as the company’s prior one. As for his part, the company’s founder is disputing the grounds for his discharge. In addition to allegations of sexual harassment, the other reason given for his termination was his alleged misuse of corporate funds. A woman has been named as American Apparel’s new CEO, a first in the company’s history.

Unwelcome sexual advances in the workplace can make it difficult for people to be able to do their job. Sexual harassment is forbidden in workplaces, and those who suffer from it may seek recovery through filing a civil lawsuit against their employer as well as the supervisor involved. When a person suffers a negative work action or a hostile work environment and the workplace fails to address the issue, the worker may want to consider seeking the help of an employment law attorney. As there may be strict statutes of limitation in place, people should file as soon as possible.

Source: The Huffington Post, “American Apparel Now Explicitly Bans Managers From Hitting On Workers”, Kim Bhasin , Jan. 8, 2015


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