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Registered nurse files sexual harassment suit

On Behalf of | Aug 16, 2015 | Sexual Harassment |

Sexual harassment can harm a person’s self-esteem and even his or her career prospects in Indiana. One individual in another state said she was the victim of sexual harassment at the hospital for which she used to work. To pursue damages, she has filed a lawsuit against the hospital.

The woman, a registered nurse, said she started working for the hospital in 2010 and began to work a new shift in 2013. She said while working the new shift, however, she was constantly subjected to undesired sexual misconduct. For instance, her male supervisor, a nurse practitioner, would allegedly smack her buttocks.

The man is also said to have bounced his stethoscope on the woman’s butt, and he reportedly made multiple comments about her breast size, even squeezing one at one time. In addition, she said he often stood so as to position his midsection near the woman’s face. The woman said she made it clear that she did not approve of the behavior. When she asked to be put on a different shift, he allegedly became verbally abusive. She eventually received a demotion.

The woman in her suit is seeking damages totaling $250,000. No employee in Indiana or any other state has to accept undesired sexual advances, nor does he or she have to engage in sexual behavior in order to keep his or her job. When a person experiences sexual harassment, he or she has the right to file a claim against the harasser. Remedies such as a promotion may result from a successfully litigated claim, depending on the circumstances surrounding the case.

Source: chattanoogan.com, “Memorial Hospital Nurse Files Sexual Harassment Lawsuit”, Emmett Gienapp, Aug. 6, 2015


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