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Race discrimination suit against university settled

On Behalf of | Nov 19, 2015 | Workplace Discrimination |

When people in Indiana experience race discrimination in the workplace, it can take a toll on their self-worth and hamper their ability to excel in their careers. One woman in another state claimed that she was a victim of race discrimination. She filed a lawsuit against the university for which she worked, and that lawsuit was recently settled.

The woman used to work for the institution as its chief of staff. She said the university fired her in 2014 because she was not black. Her claim is one of three different lawsuits alleging that employees at the school illegally lost their positions for this reason.

The university decided to settle the lawsuit for $175,000. Of this payout, $50,000 was for wages, a second portion, totaling more than $59,000, went to the woman’s lawyers and a third portion, totaling more than $65,000, went for reported compensatory damages, as well as other damages. As part of the settlement, the plaintiff said she would voluntarily dismiss the claims, as well as waive future claims, against this university. She also agreed to terms including a non-disparagement clause, a neutral reference for employment from the school and mutual confidentiality. According to the agreement, the university denied wrongdoing in the case.

Race discrimination in the workplace is prohibited under federal law. If a person in Indiana is subjected to this type of discrimination on the job, he or she has the right to take legal action. A remedy that may result from a claim that is successfully fought might include job reinstatement or monetary relief, depending on the circumstances surrounding the case.

Source: newsobserver.com, “NCCU settles race discrimination lawsuit for $175K“, Tom Gasparoli, Nov. 18, 2015


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