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What emotional impact can racial discrimination have?

On Behalf of | Sep 10, 2021 | Race Discrimination |

Unfortunately, despite many employer’s best efforts to prevent racial discrimination from occurring at work, it is still possible for incidents to sneak by undetected unless the affected party reports it.

Racial discrimination is still alive and well in the modern workplace, and it can have a very real toll on the victims suffering from it, affecting everything from performance activity to safety to mental well-being.

Race-based discrimination and toxic environments

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission takes a detailed look at discrimination based on color or race. They discuss instances of discrimination that still commonly occur, such as rejecting an application or firing an employee due to their race alone.

Of course, it is possible to take action against discriminating employers or even fellow employees creating a toxic workplace environment. While this can end harassment and discrimination and prevent more damage from occurring, it does not undo the damage that has already happened.

The emotional toll of facing racial discrimination at the workplace – especially by people in power or over a prolonged period of time – can follow a victim for years to come. The trauma is potentially disruptive and can create disharmony in a victim’s everyday life.

Anxiety, depression and stress disorders

First, the anger and stress experienced due to discrimination can actually have an impact on a victim’s physical and mental health. They form the basis for the worsening or onset of problems like traumatic stressor disorders or anxiety, which can debilitate hard-working employees to the point that they can no longer perform job duties. Some even quit their positions due to the inability to continue working them.

Depression also serves as a common concern, rendering once-lively individuals bedridden or afraid to leave their own homes due to the weight of the emotional burden they carry. These damages should also receive compensation, as they impact lives just as much as anything else.


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