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Man claims he was wrongfully terminated from Wells Fargo

On Behalf of | Sep 13, 2012 | Wrongful Termination |

All over the state of Indiana parents must make the decision of whether to stay home with their children or go to work. For some parents, that decision is made even more difficult when their child becomes seriously ill.

Most companies offer insurance to protect parents from losing their jobs in the event that they must take time away from work to care for their children. But in some cases, companies wrongfully terminate employees, leaving families in sometimes overwhelming situations.

In a case out of Florida, one man is suing Wells Fargo, his former employer, claiming that he was wrongfully terminated on the pretext of falsifying his time records, but he feels that his daughter’s medical costs were the real reason. His former employer disagrees stating that his termination was “completely unrelated to his family’s health care needs.”

According to the suit, the man’s wife was contacted by Wells Fargo and the insurance company. She was asked numerous questions about his daughter’s cancer treatments and how much surgery was going to cost for her. Three days before his daughter’s surgery, he was fired for “falsification of time records.”

In his suit, the man claims that the company changed its time entry system so that workers were unable to enter time worked without the assistance of a supervisor. Because he was working remotely during his daughter’s cancer treatments, he says he asked one of his supervisors for help. The supervisor then allegedly input the time on his behalf. The allegedly falsified time sheet that he was fired over was the one he claims his supervisor inputted for him.

Despite doctor’s best efforts, his 6-year-old daughter passed away leaving the family with medical expenses that the insurance company will not pay for because of the termination. He is suing for damages in excess of $15,000.

Source: ABC News, “Florida Man Says He Was Fired for Daughter’s Cancer Treatment,” Susanna Kim, Aug. 12, 2012


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