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Former university employee files wrongful termination lawsuit

On Behalf of | Jan 8, 2014 | Wrongful Termination |

A former West Virginia University employee has filed a wrongful termination lawsuit against the school’s Board of Governors. While our Indiana readers may not know much about this university, the story is still of great interest as it is related to a wrongful termination and defamation lawsuit.

The man claims he was fired in June when he blew the whistle on the way the school was using federal stimulus money. He feels that he lost his job after he filed a complaint with the Office of Inspector General along with other federal officials.

In 2006, he was hired by the school as an internal auditor and after three years on the job was promoted to compliance officer. At that time, he was given the responsibility of managing the Tax Services Department.

After telling the university about his concern regarding the way the money was being used, he contacted U.S. Sen. Jay Rockefeller since the school failed to take action.

According to the lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Clarksburg, the Board of Governors learned of his conversations in 2012. This led to him being relieved of some duties in February 2013 and then fired after another four months. The man is seeking unspecified damages.

This type of wrongful termination story is sure to gain national attention, since it involves the largest school in the state of West Virginia. In this case, the man feels he was fired for speaking up about the improper use of funds.

Anybody who finds him or herself in a similar situation can consult with an employment law attorney for advice.

Source:  The State Journal, “Ex-WVU employee files wrongful termination suit” Linda Harris, Jan. 02, 2014


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