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Indiana works to combat pay discrimination

On Behalf of | Oct 16, 2014 | Workplace Discrimination |

Everyone deserves to be treated fairly and respectfully at work. Unfortunately, countless workers throughout the United States endure a hostile work environment every day. Some are persecuted for their age or their race, others for their sexual preference, disabilities or even their citizenship status. To make things worse, fear of being out of work makes many of these workers hesitant to stand up to those mistreating them.

In Indiana, one issue that has come to light is pay inequality between men and women in the state. The gap between the two is believed to be the sixth largest in the entirety of the United States. Clearly, this is an issue that needs addressing promptly. Men and women doing the same work to the same standard should be paid the same wage.

As things stand, women in Indiana earn significantly less than Indiana men. In 2013, the difference in median wages between the genders was around 26 percent. It is illegal for an employee’s benefits to be modified as a result of their gender. Even so, when a problem is so widespread, it can be hard to address.

In a recent bid to tackle this issue, some Democratic candidates discussed the formation of a task force to investigate the matter more thoroughly. One of the aims of the task force would be to facilitate the process of reporting pay discrimination and aid the recovery of unpaid wages.

It is a step forward, but in the meantime many employees still face unfair treatment at work. If you find yourself in this position, an attorney could provide the advice and support you need to confront your employer and seek a fairer working environment.

Source: The Courier-Journal, “Indiana candidates address pay equality,” Baylee Pulliam, Oct. 13, 2014


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