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Airport workers strike after employer retaliates against them

On Behalf of | Nov 29, 2015 | Employer Retaliation |

There are millions of people who wake up and go to work for eight or more hours every day of the week. It is expected of all employees to arrive on time, perform their jobs to the best of their abilities and follow the rules of the workplace. While employees are expected to do their job and follow the rules, there are also things that are expected of their employers, most importantly to respect employees and treat them fairly.

In Illinois, O’Hare International Airport security workers, whose employer is Universal Security, staged a one day strike. Fourteen security workers participated in what was called an “unfair labor practice” strike. The strike was in response to alleged acts of retaliation on behalf of the their employer. Reportedly, the security workers believe their employer has acted in a retaliatory manner because of the workers’ attempts at organizing and calling attention to their working conditions.

In September, the security workers began pushing for a wage increase. Since that time, two workers had their employment terminated and others have received write ups. The security workers claim these acts were in retaliation to their efforts to organize. The security workers have also filed a claim with the National Labor Relations Board.

When employers have not treated their employees fairly, employees sometimes want it to be known. Employees should have the opportunity to express themselves without fear of retaliation. And while this story took place in Illinois, such situations can take place anywhere in the country, including in Indiana.

When people feel as though their employer has retaliated against them, they have the option to file a claim. It is not fair for an employer to treat an employee different from others for any reason, so when it happens, they should not get away with it. An attorney may be able to help those interested in filing a claim receive compensation for their troubles.

Source: Progress Illinois, “O’Hare Security Workers Stage One-Day ‘Unfair Labor Practice’ Strike,” Ellyn Fortino, Nov. 19, 2015


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