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Discrimination based on sex stereotyping

On Behalf of | Oct 13, 2019 | Sex Discrimination |

Many people in today’s society have grown up and entered the workforce with laws in place that were supposed to protect people from discrimination and biased decisions related to certain protected classes, like a person’s race or religious beliefs. Sex is another factor that is supposed to be protected under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act that went into effect in 1964. Despite this law, too many residents in Indiana and around the nation have continued to experience discriminatory behaviors in the workplace.

Some of the people who may be hurt by discrimination at work are transgender, gay or lesbian employees. There has been an ongoing debate for some time as to whether or not the 1964 law provides protections for these people. Some put forward the notion that Title VII’s verbiage that refers to discrimination because of a person’s sex extends coverage only to people who are male or female as per their birth certificates.

Opponents of this idea instead argue that Title VII’s reference to discrimination based on sex also should provide protections for people based on the gender with which they identify. Another addition here is to provide protection to people regardless of their sexual preference.

The Washington Post reported that this very topic has recently come before the United States Supreme Court. It is now up to the country’s highest court to make a ruling that may have significant repercussions for countless residents. The need for clarity in this area goes back several decades and can be seen across numerous industries.


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