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Gaming company settles sex discrimination case

On Behalf of | Dec 11, 2019 | Sex Discrimination |

Many gamers in Indiana enjoy playing the famous titles produced by Riot Games, but the “League of Legends” manufacturer has been hit by allegations of workplace discrimination. In a settlement with previous and current women employees at the company, the gaming firm will pay at least $10 million to settle claims of sexual harassment and gender discrimination. The compensation will be directed to around 1,000 women employed by the company between 2014 and 2019. The amount each woman receives will be based on the length of time that they spent at Riot. The two women who brought the class-action suit forward will receive $10,000 each.

According to court documents, about one-third of the settlement will go to cover lawyers’ fees and other expenses associated with the case while $6.2 million will be distributed among workers. While temporary contractors will receive at least $500 and full-time employees will get at least $2,500, the documents indicate that most women who meet the criteria as members of the class will receive around $5,000 or more. The lawsuit was filed in 2018 after journalists reported on an atmosphere inside the company that was conducive to sexual harassment and employment discrimination against female staff, who were less likely to be promoted or excluded from assignments due to their gender.

In the spring of 2019, some employees at the company walked out after the manufacturer tried to force women with complaints to submit to arbitration. After the walkout, Riot Games pledged to take action to change its approach to workplace discrimination. It launched diversity and inclusion programs and hired new executives to run them.

Women continue to face harassing and discriminatory conduct on the job, even in high-profile companies in innovative industries. Workers who have faced sex discrimination may consult with an attorney about their options to pursue justice.


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