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Employee sues Alexander McQueen for racial harassment

On Behalf of | Nov 21, 2013 | Workplace Discrimination |

Indiana residents may be interested to learn of a recent lawsuit that was filed against British fashion house Alexander McQueen. On Nov. 6, a 43-year-old former saleswoman of a store located in New York City filed a suit against the company alleging that her boss engaged in race discrimination. The amount of damages she was seeking has not been stated.

The former employee claims that her boss called her several offensive and racist names while she was working. The complaint goes on to allege that the woman’s boss subjected her to a constant onslaught of offensive statements based upon her race. The woman also claims that her boss falsely accused her of stealing and using illegal drugs at work. This behavior reportedly reduced her ability to function effectively in her position as saleswoman, preventing her from closing sales. The employee was fired after ten years of employment after she was accused of not seeking the return of a dress that had been lent to a high-profile customer.

The company refused to comment on the case, but issued a general statement affirming the company’s commitment to a diverse workforce. The company stated that it takes discrimination allegations seriously and always investigates into these cases. This lawsuit is the second racial discrimination suit that has been filed against Alexander McQueen in 2013.

Federal law protects employees from being subjected to a hostile work environment based on their race. An employee who is terminated or demoted because of race, or who is otherwise subjected to a hostile work environment, may have a valid claim against the employer. An employment law attorney could help wronged employees seek reinstatement and back pay, as well as punitive damages. It may also be possible to seek attorney’s fees from the employer.

Source: Huffington Post, “Former Alexander McQueen Store Employee Called ‘Burrito Face’ Files Discrimination Lawsuit“, Julee Wilson, November 12, 2013


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