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Sterling faces harassment lawsuit

On Behalf of | Jun 8, 2014 | Sexual Harassment |

Indiana residents aware of Donald Sterling’s racism scandal be unfamiliar with a new suit pending against the man. According to a claim by a former employee, Sterling subjected the woman to racial discrimination and sexual harassment.

The woman’s claim says that she was romantically involved with the owner of the Los Angeles Clippers between 2005 and 2011. She also worked for Sterling between December 2013 and May 2014. Among her allegations, she also says that Sterling threatened to withhold her wages unless she engaged in sexual acts with him. Additionally, the former employee says that Sterling would touch and grab her in a sexual manner while they were in public together.

In addition to sexual harassment, the woman also claims that she was offended by racist comments that Sterling made, such as making stereotypical generalizations about different groups. After the woman complained about his conduct and statements, she says that Sterling retaliated against her by having her fired. Sterling’s attorney who was retained to handle the situation regarding his racist comments publically stated that he was not aware of the current lawsuit.

Individuals who believe that they are the victims of harassment in the workplace may choose to pursue legal action. Federal and state laws protect individuals from certain harassment in the workplace, such as when it is based on the victim’s race, religion, national origin or sex. A lawyer may be able to help compile evidence of unwelcome sexual advances and other indications that an employer has created or allowed a hostile work environment. A similar process can be completed if employee rights are being violated via racial discrimination.

Source: The Huffington Post, “Donald Sterling Sued By Former Employee, Accused Of Sexual Harassment, Racist Remarks”, Dominique Mosbergen, June 03, 2014


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