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Understanding more about sexual harassment

On Behalf of | Feb 16, 2015 | Sexual Harassment |

Employees in Indiana might benefit from understanding more about some of the facts that are often at the core of many sexual harassment incidents in America. When an internal investigation of the allegations is inadequate, employees are afforded the right to pursue alternative resolutions. If the employer’s response to the claim is substandard, legal counsel may be able to outperform the staff at the human resources department. Many times, the ultimate outcome of the claim might not be what the employee expects.

The employee offended by the incident might prefer to retain their position, but not be directly involved with the alleged offender. In many cases, people accused of sexual harassment may be required to transfer departments, receive behavioral training or an official warning. There are typically state and federal laws requiring employers and human resource representatives to remain objective when investigating allegations. Employees victimized by sexual harassment are not required or restricted to issue their complaints to their direct supervisor.

Employees who feel victimized by sexual harassment are advised to communicate the complaint by email or some other written form. Employees are also advised to communicate their discomfort directly to the co-workers responsible for creating the hostile work environment. Communicating the request to desist the behavior in written form helps establish a record of notification in the event that the perpetrator chooses to continue the offensive behavior.

Employees who feel targeted by sexual harassment at the workplace may benefit from consulting legal counsel. Lawyers may be effective at investigating the allegations and helping to determine whether the employer or any other parties can be held liable for the damages cause by the illicit behavior. Legal counsel may be effective at preventing employers from retaliating against employees who file a former complaint with regulating agencies or local officials.


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