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Detective files wrongful termination claim

On Behalf of | Aug 7, 2015 | Wrongful Termination |

It would be nice if employees knew that their jobs were secure, but that is a rarity for most. With some states allowing employers to dismiss employees at any time for any or no reason at all, people may fear that they will be dismissed from their duties at any moment. This is something that people experience often, but just because they are terminated from a position, doesn’t mean their employer was right to do so.

A Kentucky female detective has filed a suit against her employer for allegedly wrongfully terminating her. The detective was reportedly dismissed in July for various reasons including lying to investigators, handling her private business while on the clock at work, not adhering to department policies, and being unpleasant with fellow staff. These reasons for terminating the detective may have been valid, but she is fighting her dismissal due to there not being a pre-termination hearing or explaining what charges had been taken up against her. She is allegedly requesting that she be reinstated and receive back pay.

In some cases, the reason an employer terminates an employee is valid, but there have been instances where the employee was in fact wrongfully terminated. When this happens, the former employee may file a claim because they do not feel as though their former employer had a legitimate reason to terminate them or handled the situation in the incorrect way. This case is a good example of how an employee may disagree with how an employer handles the termination and, as a result, is fighting the decision.

Wrongful termination cases are not always easy to win, so people may require the assistance of an employment rights attorney. With an attorney helping with the case, the former employer may be able to prove that they were wrongfully terminated and possibly get their job back.

Source: WDRB, “Former Bullitt Sheriff’s Detective Lynn Hunt files wrongful termination lawsuit,” Jason Riley, July 29, 2015


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