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Employers should be held accountable for breaching contracts

On Behalf of | May 26, 2016 | Wrongful Termination |

The purpose of an employment contract is to protect the interests of both signing parties. It is extremely important for employers to make sure that those they hire will not act in a manner detrimental to a company’s welfare.

But the specifics of a contract should also act to protect the employee from being unfairly terminated. This means that if a termination takes place, it should be due to a reason or reasons covered in the contract. To do otherwise could constitute a breach of contract on the part of the employer.

In addition to an employment contract, an employer may also want a potential employee to sign an employment termination contract. This kind of contract informs the employee of what sorts of acts could trigger a discontinuation of his or her services.

Generally speaking, the terms of a termination contract are aimed at preventing an employee from harming the company by engaging in such acts as disclosing the company’s trade secrets or making derogatory remarks about the company. And the specifics of what qualifies a contract’s termination should be made clear in the contract’s terms.

If an employer breaches a contract with an employee, it could cause the employee to suffer severe economic hardships. While acting in good faith, an employee who has signed an employment contract may decline other opportunities for work. Further, an employee may base important life decisions, such as moving to a new residence or purchasing a new vehicle, on the belief that he or she will be receiving the pay that was part of the contract’s terms.

If you have suffered an economic loss, or been harmed in other ways due to the unfair termination of an employment contract, it may be helpful to solicit the services of a wrongful termination attorney. The attorney could go over the terms of your contract and advise you on possible remedies to the situation.


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