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Protect yourself from further employer retaliation

On Behalf of | Sep 4, 2015 | Employer Retaliation |

Millions of people go to their place of work every day and are treated with respect and fairness by their employers, which is how they should be treated. No matter what an employee does to upset their employer, there should always be a level of respect that is maintained. Unfortunately, there are some employers who feel as though it is acceptable for them to retaliate against an employee for doing what they felt is right. If this happens, employees should not hesitate to file an employer retaliation claim against the person who has treated them unfairly.

Employers retaliate against employees for many reasons, but it is common for them to do so because the employee has complained about what is going on in the workplace. For example, a person is being harassed or discriminated against, so they take their issue to HR in hopes of getting it resolved. Some employers may understand how important it is for their employees to feel safe at work, but others may believe that it was unnecessary to report this behavior to HR and, as a result, retaliate against their employees.

Once your employer targets you, you may continue to experience this retaliation for as long as they deem fit. If people do not take a stand and file claims against their employers for their retaliatory behavior, they may have to continue to deal with it for the duration of their employment at the company for which they work. No one should have to deal with being harassed or treated unfairly for simply wanting to feel safe while at work.

Everyone has the right to protect themselves from their employer, so you should do what you can to prevent further retaliation from occurring. If you are interested in filing an employer retaliation claim, an attorney at the Employment Office of John H. Haskin may be able to assist you. No employer should feel as if it is OK to retaliate against employees and neither should employees. An attorney can help assist with fighting back and possibly getting you compensation for your troubles.


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