It can be difficult to keep on top of all your obligations, especially when someone close to you becomes ill. If a loved one requires care, it can take a lot of time out of your day and require a huge amount of energy and dedication. It is a dilemma many families in...
When disaster strikes the FMLA may protect you
If an immediate family member is injured or falls ill, your job is likely to be the last thing on your mind. Your primary concern will probably be the care and treatment of your loved one. This in turn may require you to take time off to look after them, but what does...
How much leave are you entitled to under the FMLA?
When you need to take time off work for medical reasons, or to care for a family member, it can be a worry. It is often hard enough to make ends meet as it is, without having to worry about job security. On top of all that, some states are employment-at-will states,...
When your family needs care the FMLA may protect you
For many residents of Indiana, family comes first. But what happens when your obligation to your family comes into conflict with your professional responsibilities? The chances are that you need that job to support the ones you love. However, sometimes you may need to...
Are you covered by the FMLA?
It can be tough enough balancing work and family life, even when things are going well. But what happens when someone close to you falls ill or is severely injured? They may be unable to care for themselves, or need constant attention, but you still have to work. How...
Jury awards man $100,000 in FMLA lawsuit
As an employee in Indiana, you are generally entitled to take time off work for qualified medical reasons, maternity leave or family reasons and keep your insurance and, in some cases, be paid while away. The Family and Medical Leave Act, or FMLA, gives you the right...
FMLA: can you sue an employer for not rehiring you?
Life can be quite unpredictable. A spouse can be fine one day and be hit with a tragic illness the next. New additions to the family are not always expected. You can never know what’s around the next corner, but you’ve got to step up and meet the challenges life...
Casino employee files lawsuit over alleged FMLA breach
All employees deserve to be treated equally and respectfully by their employers and colleagues. Unfortunately, this does not always happen, and many employees are made to feel uncomfortable or even subjected to unwanted advances at work. Sexual harassment in the...
Employee rights’ victory after wrongful termination over FMLA use
The Department of Labor's Family and Medical Leave Act was designed to safeguard a job at times when an employee needs to take unpaid leave to care for his or her own health or that of a family member, or to look after a new baby. The annual limit that most employers...
Employee fired after taking FMLA leave
The Family and Medical Leave Act was enacted to give employees job protection when they needed to take a significant time off for medical reasons or to take care of their family members. The FMLA continues to protect employees in this matter. Sometimes though,...