Experienced Indiana Lawyers Who Care About Your Rights

FMLA And Disability Issues

If you are suffering from a disability and are concerned about using up all of your Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) time, it may be possible to have more accommodations made. The first step you should take in securing the additional leave time you need is talking to our attorneys at Employment Law Office of John H. Haskin & Associates, LLC & Associates, LLC.

We understand how the FMLA and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) work and have held employers accountable for attempting to deny you your rights as an employee. That is just one of many reasons why our Indianapolis-based firm is one of Indiana’s most-respected employment law firms.

What Should I Do If I Am Running Out Of FMLA Leave?

If you are close to running out of your 12 weeks of FMLA leave and you still cannot return to work, you have options. For instance, your doctor can say that you will need to miss a certain amount of time, which will likely be upheld as a “reasonable accommodation” under the ADA. If your employer resists, we can negotiate a resolution or take legal action.

Again, the most important thing to do is talk to an experienced employment lawyer like John H. Haskin. With decades of experience, there is no employment law matter that is too complex for him.

John and the rest of our team can safeguard you to make sure your employer does not have any reason to fire you or resist providing accommodations. For instance, employers have been known to hire private investigators to see if employees actually are suffering from disabilities. We can make sure you do not give your employer any ammunition to use against you.

We are committed to protecting your rights and not having you be taken advantage of. Contact our firm today at 317-426-6995 if you would like a free telephone consultation with an FMLA attorney and learn more about what to do.